Board News
May 27, 2024 Board News
The Board of Trustees motioned to approve the process of transferring St. Thomas More Catholic School into the jurisdiction of Holy Family Catholic Regional Division for the start of the 2024-2025 school year.
Secretary-Treasurer Nicole MacMullin unveiled the Budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2024-2025. She highlighted various aspects of the budget including funding allocation changes, budget template changes and other items.
The Nomination deadline has closed and candidate information will be made available soon.
Advanced Poll are happening on June 18, 2024 and are located at the Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools Division (Board) Office (9902 – 101st Street Grande Prairie, AB) from 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
- St. Mary’s Catholic Church Hall (1107 - 1st Avenue Beaverlodge, AB)
- Immaculate Conception Church Hall (9928 97th Street, Sexsmith, AB)
- Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools Division (Board) Office (9902 – 101 Street Grande Prairie, AB)
- St. Joseph Catholic Church Parish Hall (10404 102 Street Grande Prairie, AB)
- The Sacrament of Confirmation
Congratulations to our grade 6 students from across the school division who took part in the sacrament of Confirmation over the month of May. - Service Projects
Students from St. John Paul II helped make 700+ sandwiches to be taken to the St. Lawerance Centre during Sandwich Sunday. The École St-Gérard band brought the gift of music while visiting the Grande Prairie Care Centre.

April 22, 2024 Board News
Ward 3 (Fairview) Deadline for Nomination packages is noon on April 30.
Election Day is May 28, 2024.
Election Day is June 25, 2024.
The Indigenous Liaison and High School Support lead Omarla Cooke highlighted the many milestones from the past year. Our Indigenous Education program continues to provide hands-on teachings, storytelling, and connections to Alberta Education curriculum. Orange Shirt Day, MMIWG2S and Indigenous Peoples Day ceremonies are fully supported throughout the school division. New Indigenous themed murals are being added to St. Patrick and St. Kateri catholic schools.
- Service Learning
Throughout the school division students are showing kindness to those in need. Students from Ste. Marie delivered decorated eggs to their local hospital. - Lenten Activities
During Lent, students took part in faith activities like NET (National Evangelical Team) faith retreats, Stations of the Cross, and Holy Week ceremonies.

March 18, 2024 Board News
The Board approved May 28, 2024 as the date for the Ward 3 By-Election and June 25, 2024 as the date for the Ward 1 By-Election in the Grande Prairie and District Catholic School Division. The Board approved Karl Germann as the Returning Officer for both Ward 1 and Ward 3 By-Elections.
The Board approved the 2024-2025 GPCSD school year calendar and it is now available online at The calendars for Beaverlodge, Fairview, Sexsmith and Spirit River schools will be available in the near future.
Secretary-Treasurer Nicole MacMullin provided the Board with a quarterly fiscal update for the financial period ending in February 29, 2024.
In a joint-press release GPCSD, and Peace River School Division announced a modular school building to be built on E.E Oliver Elementary School property. More details will be announced in the future.
- Science-Faith Lesson Kits Now Available
Special thanks to our dedicated crew of Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers for building and designing our new Science and Faith lesson kits. - Renew, Experience, Celebrate 2024
Nichole Gerein our Principal of Religious Education, and music teachers Dana Bruins and Kristy Peterson had a chance to attend the Los Angeles Catholic Faith Youth Conference. Both music teachers had the opportunity to perform on stage with performer Sarah Hart during the Friday Eucharistic Liturgies.

February 26, 2024 Board News
The Board of Trustees has directed administration to begin the process of holding a by-election for Ward 3. Information regarding the by-election will be made available in the near future.
The Board of Trustees has directed administration to further investigate the potential viability of continuing high school (grades 10-12) at St. Thomas More.
- The Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Over 89 Grade 2 students from our Grande Prairie schools celebrated their First Reconciliation at St. Joseph Parish on Sunday Feb. 25, 2024. - Cross-Curricular Learning
St. Patrick Catholic School students combined Science and Faith to create tabletop coding games, combining the mechanics of coding with religious themes. - Prayers for Lent
Thank you to all the staff, parent, community and parish volunteers for your time and commitment during our Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday celebrations.

January 29, 2024 Board News
Congratulations to Emily Elsenheimer on her nomination for the ASBA Zone 1: Edwin Parr Teacher Award. The award recognizes outstanding first-year teachers across Alberta. In a short amount of time, Emily has made noteworthy contributions to her students, school, and community. We extend our best wishes to Emily as she continues to inspire and educate.
Congratulations to Northwestern Polytechnic on being selected as our nominee for the ASBA Zone 1 Friends of Education award. The Friends of Education award is given to organizations that have made significant contributions to education in their community. Northwestern Polytechnic demonstrated a commitment to education by supporting our local schools, specifically St. Thomas More school in Fairview. The Board wishes NWP all the best and thanks them for their dedication to education in the community.
The Board of Trustees is looking to have a discussion and engagement session with the St. Thomas More school community. GPCSD Administration is currently planning an information session to take place in Fairview. More information will be made available soon.
- Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday – The Lenten season is right around the corner with Shrove Tuesday happening on Feb. 13, followed by Ash Wednesday on Feb. 14, 2024.
- Students Learning Through Action – Student Choirs from St. Clement and Ste. Marie (Spirit River) gave performances for local senior groups. École Catholique Louis Riel students created and delivered Christmas cards for local seniors. Students from St. Joseph and St. John Paul II high schools held food drives for those in need within their schools during the Christmas break.
- Teachers Gather to Share Knowledge – Kindergarten to Grade 3 teachers gathered to design hands-on, curiosity evoking lesson kits that connect faith to the new Science curriculum. Special thanks to NuVista Energy for the generous donation so teachers have access to these lessons and hands-on materials.

December 18, 2023 Board News
Secretary-Treasurer Nicole MacMullin provided the Board with a quarterly fiscal update for the financial period ending in November 30, 2023.
The Board of Trustees appointed Trustee Croken as the new GPCSD Alberta School Board Association Zone 1 representative for the 2023-2024 year.
St. Thomas More students will remain at Northwestern Polytechnic’s Fairview Campus for the rest of the 2023-2024 school year. More updates to follow.
- Advent and Christmas Concerts – Schools hosted various Advent celebrations and Masses. Christmas concerts happened all month long, with students showcasing their musical talents and enthusiasm.
- School Reconciliation Ceremonies – This past month, schools hosted Advent Reconciliation for Grades 3-12. It was a wonderful opportunity for students to reflect on the past year and the Advent season.
- Bethlehem Christmas Tree Challenge – School Staff worked in teams to build the tallest and most creative tree that would hold the town star. Thank you to everyone who participated!

November 27, 2023 Board News
Assistant Superintendent Christie Watson presented the 2022-2023 Annual Education Results Report. The Division continues outperforming the provincial satisfaction/achievement rates in the AERR review categories.
Secretary-Treasurer Nicole MacMullin presented the 2022-2023 Annual Audited Financial Statement to the Board.
- New GPCSD ACSTA Director – Trustee Croken was blessed and appointed the new Alberta Catholic School Board Association’s Director for the Grande Prairie Catholic School Division.
- Advent 2023 – The season of Advent begins on Sunday, December 3. Schools are participating in activities, prayers and ceremonies throughout December.
- Catholic Education Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023 - School communities gathered at their local parishes to celebrate Catholic Education Sunday. School principals received new banners to showcase at their schools. St. Joseph’s Parish was blessed to host an Art Showcase featuring Grades 1, 5 and 7 from St. Catherine Catholic School.
- Noah’s Ark Challenge – St. Mary Beaverlodge grade 8 students integrated the story of Noah’s Ark as a STEAM project (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mechanics) by creating human sized cardboard boats. Afterwards students relay raced their cardboard boats at the local pool.

October 30, 2023 Board News
On October 23, the school division celebrated the Grand Re-Opening and Blessing Ceremony of St. Patrick Catholic School. Special thanks to the Honourable Demetrios Nicolaides, Minister of Education, Mr. Nolan Dyck,
M.L.A. Grande Prairie and all other dignitaries and community members for attending.
Minister Nicolaides recently visited Grande Prairie and was able to visit two of our schools. In addition to attending the re-opening celebration of St. Patrick, he toured through the Dual Credit Welding Program at St. John Paul II, as well as the Cosmetology Lab, the Foods Lab, and the Athletic Development Fitness Area. The Board of Trustees were also able to meet with the Minister and discuss future schools as well as other relevant matters to our division. We thank the Minister for his time and appreciate his willingness to listen and reflect.
The Board of Trustees were able to hear a number of Assurance Reports – namely the Literacy Report, the Early Learning Report, and the condensed Alberta Education Results Report. Division leads presented information and data that will help set goals and future plans for the school Education Plans. Thank you to Amanda Rich, Henri Chauvet, and Christie Watson for providing the Board with insights and expertise in these areas.
- Catholic Education Sunday, Nov. 5, 2023 - Catholic school divisions across Alberta celebrate the first Sunday in November as Catholic Education Sunday. This year’s theme is: Courage to Lead, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9.

September 25, 2023 Board News
Grande Prairie and District Catholic Schools is proud to announce St. Catherine Kindergarten teacher Angela Sheppard, as the ASBA (Alberta School Board Association) Zone 1: Edwin Parr Award Recipient. Every year the Edwin Parr Award is given to highlight an exemplary and outstanding first year teacher. Later this fall, Angela will be recognized at a provincial ceremony in Edmonton.
The grand re-opening and blessing of St. Patrick Catholic School has been rescheduled for October 23, 2023 at 1:00 p.m.
The Board is participating in a value scoping exercise in Fairview on October 4 & 5, 2023 at the Northwestern Polytechnic campus. Value scoping exercises assist the Board in assessing the needs of the local community, and are reflected in Capital Plan development.
- Faith Theme - This year’s faith theme is “INSPIRE: Inspire the Voice of God.” Guided by Psalm 104:33, "I will sing to the LORD all my life," schools will encounter Jesus through activities, prayer, and service projects.
- Faith Mentorship – During September, first-year teachers and their mentors participated in the first of a series of workshops, where they learned about some of the common faith-based activities and ceremonies that take place within our schools.

August 28, 2023 Board News
Board Meeting Highlights - August 28, 2023
Board Chair and Vice Chair
After another successful year, the Board of Trustees acclaimed Russ Snoble as Board Chair and Michelle Boisvert as Vice Chair for the 2023-2024 school year.
Board Meetings
Our Board Meetings for 2023-2024 will be held on Mondays, starting at 2:30 pm. A video recording of all regular Board Meetings will be posted online. The next Board Meeting is on September 25, 2023.
Our Aug. 28, 2023 Board Meeting can be viewed here.
Grand Re-Opening and Blessing of St. Patrick Catholic School
The grand re-opening and blessing of St. Patrick Catholic School will occur on October 20, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.
Celebrating Our Faith
GPCSD staff are gathering to celebrate the start of the school year at our opening Mass at St. Joseph parish on September 1, 2023. This year’s faith theme is Inspire.
May 15-29, 2023 Board News
The Board approved the May 2023 GPCSD Four-Year Assurance plan. This comprehensive plan aims to achieve three main goals: to inspire learners, create community and believe in the love of Christ.
Secretary-Treasurer Nicole MacMullin unveiled the Budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2023-2024. Within the budget, the Division incorporated its plans to open our new St. Patrick school centred around STEM education.
Religious education opportunities continue to grow within the school division.
- Music Ministry: over 200 students took part in Worship Wednesday.
- Over 5000 students had the opportunity to take part in Reconciliation ceremonies at schools.
- 1000 students took part in Church Visits/Faith Retreats.
- 180 families participated in Sacrament Preparation throughout the year.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
- Grade 12 Faith Walks – High school students were given the chance to reflect on their journey through Catholic Education. They engaged in commemorative walks, stopping at stations to treasure the memories from every grade level.
- Catholic Education Week – From May 15-19, our schools celebrated the gift of Catholic Education in Alberta. This year’s theme was: "Walk in the name of the Lord our God for ever and ever" (Micah 4:5). On May 18, students and staff wore the colour blue in honour of World Catholic Education Day.
- Faith Leadership Series – The final session of our Faith Leadership series concluded on May 25th. Every participant was presented with a certificate, signed and blessed by Father Leo English.

April 24, 2023 Board News
Board Meeting Highlights - April 24, 2023
ASBA Honouring Spirit: Indigenous Student Awards 2023
Erin Noskey, a St. Joseph Catholic High School student, received an honourable mention for the ASBA Honouring Spirit: Indigenous Student Award. The Alberta School Board Association recognizes First Nations, Métis and Inuit students who, through the pursuit of education, embrace their own gifts and potential while celebrating the ways of their people.
Windsor Area Structure Plan Meeting
A new elementary school site in the County of Grande Prairie Windsor Area is a key priority in the GPCSD Three-Year Capital Plan. On April 3, 2023, the Board met with the County of Grande Prairie Council to discuss future school site locations.
Meeting with NWP President
On April 17, 2023, the Board of Trustees met with Justin Kohlman, the President of Northwestern Polytechnic, to discuss a potential facility partnership in Fairview, AB. A value-scoping session will be held on May 8 and 9th at the NWP Fairview campus. During the session, Peace River School Division, Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools, and Northwestern Polytechnic will discuss community needs and examine potential partnerships and educational opportunities for the area.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
- Confirmation Student Faith Retreats – As part of their preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, grade 6 students within the Division attended faith retreats that focused on strengthening their faith. These retreats were held at rural school locations and St. Joseph Parish for Grande Prairie schools. During the retreats, students were taught about the importance of bread in religious ceremonies and the joy of making and sharing it with others.
- Catholic Education Week 2023 – This year’s theme is “Walking Together for Catholic Education.” Catholic Education Week is a provincial celebration of Catholic Education and an opportunity to recognize the importance and value of Catholic Education. Schools celebrate through activities, celebrations, wearing blue, and walking together as a community. Catholic Education Week occurs May 15-19, with May 18 being World Catholic Education Day.

March 13-27, 2023 Board News
The Board of Trustees approved the 2023-2025 Three-Year Capital Plan. The Three-Year Capital Plan is an important roadmap for the Division. It ensures that we have the necessary infrastructure in place to meet the needs of our students and communities. The plan provides a clear and detailed overview of future schools and modernization projects. It helps to prioritize these projects based on available funding.
- St. Thomas More Curiosity in Faith – Supervisor of Religious Education Nichole Gerein and Grade 9 students at St. Thomas More led K-6 classes through faith formation activities. This was an excellent opportunity for students to develop leadership skills while sharing their knowledge and understanding of their faith with younger students. The St. Thomas More High School students prepared Lenten pretzels for the entire school. Lenten pretzels have a rich history in the Catholic Church, symbolizing prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. By providing these pretzels, the students shared a meaningful tradition with their peers and helped to foster a sense of community within the school.
- Reconciliation Ceremonies – Grade 3-8 students participated in school-based Reconciliation ceremonies. Reconciliation is an important sacrament in the Catholic faith, and these ceremonies provide a meaningful opportunity for personal reflection and growth. Reconciliation at school provides a familiar and comfortable environment for students to fully engage and understand its significance.
- NET Retreats – Students from St. Joseph, St. John Paul II (Grade 10), Mother Teresa (Grade 8) and St. Thomas More (Grades 8-10), participated in National Evangelization Team (NET) retreats. These retreats provide students with a powerful spiritual experience and help them grow in their faith. By offering retreats at multiple schools and grade levels, more students can participate and benefit from the experience.
- Teachers Faith Exploration – Teachers had the opportunity to attend a "So You Teach in a Catholic School" professional development session at St. Joseph Parish. Teachers received a copy of YouCat, a resource designed specifically for young people. By incorporating YouCat into their classrooms, teachers can provide their students with a solid foundation of Catholic teachings and help them deepen their faith exploration.

February 27, 2023 Board News
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
The board approved the 2023-2024 GPCSD school year calendar and is now available online at
St. Patrick Catholic School Boundary Information Session
The Division will host a community information session regarding the St. Patrick Catholic School Boundary, programming, and enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. The date, time, and location will be sent to families over the next few weeks.
Grade 9 Presentation - St. Mary’s Sexsmith
The Board of Trustees approved the new boundary for grade 9 students at St. Mary’s Sexsmith. Starting in September for the 2023-2024 school year, students from St. Mary’s Catholic school will be bussed to St. John Paul II Catholic School for their grade 9 academic year. Principal Laura Tapson explained the benefits of this move, allowing our students more educational opportunities and resources as well as access to a Faith-based education from Kindergarten to grade 12.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
Celebrating Our Faith
- Mentorship – Lent in a bag. Teachers participating in the mentorship program were provided “Lent in a bag,” sensory kits to assist them in their Lenten season preparations.
- Faith Retreat –The students of St. Mary Catholic School in Beaverlodge took part in a faith retreat. The day was full of engaging faith activities.
- Sacramental Prep Retreats – Students in grades 2-3, participated in Sacramental Preparation retreats for Reconciliation and First Communion.

January 30, 2023 Board News
The Annual Education Results Report reflects the Division’s expertise and focused work from our dedicated staff to support students. The goal of their purposeful planning and intentional action is success for all. The Division continues to rank well above the provincial average in:
- High school completion
- Education Quality
- Access to learning supports
- Safe and caring learning environments
- Parental involvement
- Rutherford Scholarship Eligibility
- 83% of students enjoy solving problems
- 83% of students responded that when they had difficulties in math, they knew they could handle them.
- 80% of students feel confident in their math abilities.
- 87% of students feel confident in their reading and writing abilities.
- 76% of students work with their teacher to set personal learning goals.
- 88% of students feel they can show their learning in a variety of ways
- 89% of students feel they understand how they learn best
- 96% of students feel they understand how to be respectful in the online school environment.
- Grade 1 students had the opportunity to participate in the Curiosity in Faith program during recess. Students completed science experiments that helped ignite their curiosity about faith and the natural world—special thanks to the GPCSD Education Foundation for their help and supplies.
- Sensory prayer kits were shared with all early learning instructors and kindergarten teachers. These kits come with faith-based activities that supplement the sensory activity work classes are already doing.
- Over 50 Grade 3 families participated in our first online Eucharist Sacramental prep in 2023.
- This month, we hosted our first faith leadership series, with participants sharing the various service projects at their schools —special thanks to our guest Father Leo from St. Joseph parish.

January 16, 2023 Board News
View the full press release at
Effective August 1, 2023, the new St. Patrick boundary will include the following neighbourhoods within the City of Grande Prairie:
• Highland Park,
• Swanavon,
• Patterson Place,
• South Patterson Place,
• Southview,
• Country Club Estates,
• Country Club West,
AND the following subdivisions and rural areas:
• Wedgewood,
• River Road Estates,
• Tamarack Estates,
• Sandy Lane Estates,
• Mandalay Estates
• The Dunes
Plus, the Rural addresses:
• East of Hwy 40, South of Bear Creek and South of Wapiti River (which includes Grovedale and area).
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.

November 28, 2022 Board News
In June 2022, the Division received a two-year $256,912 student mental health grant from Alberta Education. The funds will be used to add two new Addiction Counsellor positions starting in early 2023. The addition will positively impact students, guardians, teachers, and administrators. Councilors can effectively address students' social, emotional, and educational needs, leading to an increase in student achievement. Prior to 2020, local school divisions had access to on-site school addiction counseling through Alberta Health Services. Since then, we have been adding more mental health support through Catholic Family Services and hiring a Mental Health Therapist.
Deputy Superintendent Greg Miller presented to the Board the upcoming Faith Leadership Series. The locally developed leadership program is designed for teachers and administrators interested in growing their capacity to lead from a Catholic perspective. Led by senior administration and other leaders within the Division, the series will run from January to May 2023. The College of Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta (CCSSA) document, 5 Marks of an Excellent Catholic Leader, will guide the activities and discussions. The program will also incorporate presentations from priests and other local church leaders.
Audited Financial Statement
Secretary Treasurer Chelsea Nestibo presented the 2021-2022 Annual Audited Financial Statement to the Board.
- The season of Advent started on Sunday, November 27. Schools will participate in activities, prayers, and ceremonies throughout December.
- Fr. Emmanuel hosted a meeting to help teachers prepare for Sacramental Prep.
- Representatives from the Division attended the Religious and Moral Education Council conference ""Braiding Together – Dialogue Towards Truth & Reconciliation"". They met and talked with special guest Phyllis Webstad, the creator of Orange Shirt Day.

November 07, 2022 Board News
Assistant Superintendent Christie Watson presented the 2021-2022 Annual Education Results Report. The Division continues to outperform the provincial satisfaction/achievement rates in all review categories.
In preparation for the opening of St. Patrick Catholic School in Fall 2023. Superintendent Dr. Jessie Shirley reviewed the current GPCSD school boundaries in Grande Prairie and provided information on building capacity and usage.
In addition to recognizing Louis Riel Day on November 16, schools across Alberta are honouring the heritage of the Métis people. Rock Your Mocs is a popular virtual unity event where people are asked to wear their moccasins, take a photo and share it on social media with #ROCKYOURMOCS.
- Worship Wednesdays: On November 2nd, the St. Kateri Choir performed the opening and closing songs at the 12:15 pm Mass at St. Joseph Parish in Grande Prairie.
- School communities gathered to celebrate the gift of Catholic Education with their local parishes on Sunday, November 6.
- The first Sunday of Advent is happening on November 27, 2022. Throughout the Advent season, schools are participating in various liturgical ceremonies and faith-based activities.

October 11, 2022 Board News
Assurance Report: Literacy
The Director of Inclusive Education, Henri Chauvet provided the Board with information on our Early Learning programming. GPCSD provides Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Kindergarten Plus programming. Kindergarten Plus has seen an increase in enrollment and the program continues to expand. Students in Kindergarten Plus attend school all day, every day.
- Our school choirs are attending Mass at St. Joseph Parish on the first Wednesday of the month, where they provide singing and joyful prayer to the community congregation.
- École St-Gérard has a lunch-time Faith Club that is organized by students, under the guidance of school staff. The club is looking to help their school and community through acts of kindness and social justice.
- Sacramental prep has been provided for all new grade 2, 3 and 6 teachers in the Division.
- The National Evangelization Team (NET) is visiting our schools this month and are hosting faith retreats for all grade 8s within the Division. This year NET is also providing separate faith retreats for our rural schools in Beaverlodge, Sexsmith, Spirit River and Fairview.

September 19, 2022 Board News
École Catholique Louis Riel Updates
September 23rd was the Grand Opening and Blessing of École Catholique Louis Riel, the newest French Immersion Pre-Kindergarten to grade 8 school in the Division. Special guests included Honourable Adriana LaGrange, Minister of Education and Mr. Chris Warkentin, MP for Grande Prairie-Mackenzie, along with students, staff and community members.
Roger Lauck, the Director of Teaching and Learning, provided an update on the St. Patrick replacement school project. The building is being readied for the Winter so crews can continue their work. The school is scheduled to open in Fall 2023 as a PreK- grade 8 Catholic school.
This year, overall enrollment numbers have increased across the Division. With the opening of École Catholique Louis Riel and the future St. Patrick school, the Division continues to expand, allowing for future growth.
• Teachers have access to P.D. opportunities in Sacramental Prep for grades 2, 3 and 6.
• Inspire, Create, Believe is our three-year faith theme. Throughout the year, school activities/events will focus on Believe.

August 29, 2022 Board News
Board and Vice Chair Acclaimed
After a successful first year, the Board of Trustees acclaimed Russ Snoble as Chair and Michelle Boisvert as Vice Chair for the 2022-2023 school year.
The Board motioned to appoint Public member Melissa Shanks to serve a two-year term on the Board’s Audit Committee, term ending 2024.
Grand Opening & Blessing of École Catholique Louis Riel
The grand opening and blessing of our newest Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8 French Immersion school will occur on September 23, 2022 at 1:00pm.

June 20, 2022 Board News
Inclusion initiatives like Cup of Joe’s Coffee Shop, are helping students learn and prepare for an active role in the workplace. The Professional Learning Support Team and Catholic Family Services are supports available to our Division families.
École Catholique Louis Riel is on schedule to open this September. Staff transferring to the new school are packing and getting excited to move into their new classrooms at Louis Riel. In order to prepare for the move, the last school day for students at École St-Gérard is Friday June 24.
Construction on St. Patrick Catholic School has begun. The school is on schedule to open for September 2023.
The Board of Trustees approved the May 2022 GPCSD Four Year Assurance plan, which will focus on three goals: Inspiring Learners, Creating Connections, and Believing in the Love of Christ.
Sacrament Preparation is provided for grades 2, 3, and 6. Monthly Mass is celebrated at all schools. Our students are able to participate in social justice initiatives as a class, school and community.

May 30, 2022 Board News
High school graduation season is here! St. John Paul II is hosting grad on June 2 at 12:00 pm, and St. Joseph is hosting grad on June 3 at 12:00pm. All Grande Prairie graduation ceremonies will take place at the Bonnets Energy Centre. The St. Thomas More graduation ceremony will take place in Fairview on June 3 at 1:00pm.
St. Thomas More Travel Request - Ireland April 2023
The Board of Trustees approved students and staff of St. Thomas More Catholic School to travel to Ireland from April 6-15, 2023 with EF Tours.
Budget 2022-2023 Approval
The Board approved Budget 2022-2023. The Division is opening a new French Immersion school in September and expanding its programs, resulting in an increase in staffing FTE.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
- The local GrACE committee planted trees at every school to celebrate Catholic Education week.
- Grade 6 students participated in faith retreats to prepare for the sacrament of Confirmation.
- Three representatives from Camp St. Martin visited all GPCSD schools to share upcoming Summer Camp opportunities.

May 9, 2022 Board News
St John Paul II and St. John Bosco’s graduation celebrations are on Thursday June 2nd. St. Joseph and St. Thomas More are on Friday June 3rd.
- The local GrACE committee will be planting trees at each school to celebrate Catholic Education week 2022.
- This year’s theme is Rebuild, Restore, and Renew Together.
- Across Alberta, Catholic schools are celebrating Catholic Education week with a host of activities and ceremonies.
Secretary Treasurer Chelsea Nestibo presented the 2022-2023 draft budget to the Board.

April 25, 2022 Board News
1. Students Arrive from Ukraine
In April, the Division welcomed two new Ukrainian students into our schools, as a part of the ongoing efforts to assist families displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.
Every year across Alberta, unique courses are developed by various school divisions. The Board approved the 2022-2023 list of Senior High Locally Developed Courses for GPCSD high schools.
3. School Travel Requests
The Board of Trustees approved requests for St. Mary Catholic School (Beaverlodge) students to travel to Toronto from May 17-28 2023 and St. John Paul II Catholic School students to travel to Switzerland from April 6-16 2023.
- Holy Week occurred and schools took part in Easter ceremonies.
- Grade 6 students began preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation.
- Students took part in Earth Day prayers and activities centered around Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’.
- Catholic Education Week is May 24-27.

March 21, 2022 Board News
1. ASBA Friends of Education Award
The Board of Trustees selected the GPCSD Education Foundation, as their 2022 Alberta School Board Association Friend of Education nominee.
The Board of Trustees selected St. Mary Beaverlodge Grade 2 teacher Madisyn Gorman as their 2022 ASBA Edwin Parr Award nominee. Congratulations Madisyn!
3. Naming of O’Brien Lake West Catholic School
Administration will be engaging with stakeholders to provide suggestions for names for the O’Brien Lake West School facility. Three choices will be brought forward to the Board, for consideration at the April 25, 2022 Board Meeting.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
- There was Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday kicking off the season of Lent.
- The National Evangelization team (NET) visited schools, providing faith retreats for all Grade 8 and 10 students.
- Staff had the opportunity to attend mentorship and faith formation sessions.
- Students participated in celebrations for the sacraments of First Eucharist and Reconciliation.

February 14, 2022 Board News
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
Celebrating our Faith
Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday
The Lenten season is fast approaching, beginning with Shrove Tuesday on March 1 and Ash Wednesday March 2.
January 31, 2022 Board News
Henri Chauvet, Michel Lemay, and Roger Lauck presented three scenarios regarding the utilization of O'Brien Lake West and the current École St-Gérard.
We are asking families for their feedback on each scenario from the GPCSD Facility Utilization presentation. Results will be gathered and submitted to the Board for review. Access to the feedback form can be found at
Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools welcomed new Trustee Gaytane Moskalyk. She was sworn in and joined the Board at the January 31st Public Board Meeting.
Our Board Meetings can be viewed here.
Celebrating our Faith
All GPCSD Schools participated in a variety of faith-based activities during the week of prayer for Christian unity. There were classroom prayers, a high school bible study and reflection activities.
Eucharist prep has started in grade 3 classes across the District.
All schools in the District were provided with copies of liturgical year resources; Daily Prayer 2022, 2022 Ordo, and Children's Daily Prayer 2021-2022.
December 20, 2021 Board News
-Completing Christmas cards for soldiers stationed overseas
-Assisting local parishes with snow removal and organizing food donations
-Raising money to support local children with medical needs
-Supporting local food banks in our regional communities
-Sewing hats for the St. Lawrence Centre.

November 22, 2021 Board News
Learn more about our school division by checking out the full AERR report at
The Board had a discussion on the status of the St. Patrick replacement school project and the current St. Gérard facility.
A By-Election is being held in Ward 3 Fairview and the surrounding area. The deadline for candidates to submit nominations is noon December 13, 2021.
Celebrating our Faith
Over 300 students across grades 2, 3 and 6 registered for Sacramental Preparation for 2022. Teachers who are new to those grades will receive Professional Development around the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation.
All grade four students will receive the gift of a bible. These bibles are presented to students at a local bible celebration.
Schools will be offering virtual Christmas concerts and Advent Celebration throughout the month of December.
November 1, 2021 Board News
Board Meeting Highlights
Our new Board Chair is Russ Snoble and our new Vice-Chair is Michelle Boisvert. Congratulations!
Our Board Chair Russ Snoble will represent our district at the Grande Prairie Remembrance Day ceremony on November 11th. All schools will acknowledge Remembrance Day in a variety of ways.
We are proud of our Catholic schools! Our latest report from Alberta Education shows that stakeholder satisfaction remains high, particularly in areas such as Student Engagement, Citizenship, Education Quality, Safe and Caring Environments, Access to Supports, and Parental Involvement.
Our Board Meeting can be viewed here:
Celebrating our Faith
Catholic Education Sunday is Nov 7th. This year’s theme is Rebuild, Restore, Renew Together. Catholic Education Sunday is an annual event that serves to celebrate the importance and critical role that our Catholic schools play in the province of Alberta. Our trustees will be attending mass in each of the local parishes. We welcome you to join us!