Casual Employment
Interested in working on a casual basis? You may be eligible to be employed as a Classroom Supervisor or Custodian for Grande Prairie & District Catholic Schools. In addition, First Student is our bussing contractor and also employs people on a part time and casual basis.
Classroom Supervisors
Classroom Supervisors will be hired when Certified Substitute Teachers are unavailable that day. Unlike substitute teachers, Classroom Supervisors do not need to hold an Education degree. Ideally Supervisors are students in the Education Faculty, or they may be individuals with diplomas or degrees in other areas.
Procedures for Individuals seeking Employment as Classroom Supervisors
- All individuals wishing to apply as Classroom Supervisors must make written application on the specified form (available from the Catholic Education Centre and on-line) to the District Office.
- Applicants for Classroom Supervisor positions must submit proper academic credentials.
- Successful applicants must submit a recent Police Information Check and Child Welfare Check.
- Successful applicants will be placed on the Classroom Supervisor list when formal approval is received from the Catholic Education Centre.
- Classroom Supervisors are required to complete a paid orientation/ follow-up program consisting of training and follow up discussions. Classroom Supervisors may also be asked to “shadow” a classroom teacher for a period of time.
- Classroom Supervisors will be supervised in the classroom by the Principal and possibly by District Personnel.
- Principals are responsible for ensuring Classroom Supervisors are given proper orientation to the school’s policies and procedures.
The duties of Classroom Supervisor are as follows:
- Report to the school office on arrival;
- Report to the school office before leaving at the end of the day and complete a Classroom Supervisor form;
- Suitably record student attendance;
- Complete morning, noon-hour, and after school supervision assigned to the teacher that day under the supervision of a school administrator that day;
- Present the lesson prepared by the classroom teacher. Classroom Supervisors do not assess or plan lessons;
- Leave a written statement of work done;
- Seek assistance/advice from the School Administrator(s) before taking major disciplinary action;
- Expected to work up to 8 hours/day for a full day and 4 hours for a half day. The Principal has the discretion to allow the individual to leave once his/her duties are complete.
- Classroom Supervisors will be paid either at a full day rate $165.00 /day or $82.50 for a half day.
- Assume other duties as assigned by the Principal.